Bigg Boss Tamil Season 6 Contestants Salary Bigg Boss Tamil is a prominent Tamil reality television show. The program has had six seasons and has been...
Seven weeks have been good in Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4. The eight week started with misunderstandings and challenges beautifully. Three participants, Rekha, Vel Murugan and...
All but a few of the contestants played this task seriously as the hourly task was held over the last two days on the Big Boss...
Ramya Pandian was named as the first captain of the show By Bigg Boss, while the second week was now chosen by the Suresh Chakravarthy as...
Bigg tamil boss 4 house is being converted to a new strategy. It is now based on the complete Tamil community, including the tender cocktails, temples,...
A fresh Season of Bigg Boss Tamil 2 is a 2017-2018 the first season of the reality TV programme Bigg Boss Tamil vote in vijay tv....
A fresh Season of Bigg Boss Tamil 1 is a 2016-2017 the first season of the reality TV programme Bigg Boss Tamil vote in vijay tv....